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    Herman, Ryan, and the others were dumbfounded.

    “You don’t have a lighter?”

    Of all the possible responses, Jordan had actually turned down the opportunity to light Victoria Clarke’s cigarette—a woman whom every wealthy man in Orlando would have killed to impress.

    Victoria herself paused, the cigarette lingering between her lips.

    Then, without a word, she pulled it from her mouth and slipped it back into its case.

    The room fell silent as she stood from her seat and walked toward Jordan.

    Victoria was tall and striking, her stilettos clicking against the floor. Now face-to-face with him, she scanned him from head to toe.

    Jordan could see the calculations behind her eyes—she was studying him, evaluating his worth.

    Finally, she spoke.


    Jordan raised a brow. “What name?”

    Her red lips curled slightly. “Your name.”

    Jordan crossed his arms. “Are you deaf? Didn’t Herman just say it? My name is Jordan Steele.”

    “Scoundrel!” Herman bellowed. “Don’t be rude to Miss Clarke!”

    Victoria, however, simply waved a hand dismissively.

    “Jordan,” she repeated, her tone now lighter. “Since you share a surname with the new president of Ace Corporation, I’d like to give you a way out.”

    The room stirred with whispers.

    But it wasn’t Victoria’s offer that caught their attention—it was her mention of the Ace Corporation’s new president.

    Old Mrs. Camden’s eyes sparkled with interest.

    “The new president of Ace Corporation is named Steele?”

    Jordan kept his expression unreadable, but inside, he was amused.

    ‘So even they don’t know my full identity.’

    Benedict leaned forward eagerly.

    “Miss Clarke, what is his full name?”

    Victoria smiled knowingly, but her response was firm.

    “Mr. Steele prefers to remain anonymous for now. I can’t reveal his full name.”

    In truth, she didn’t know it either.

    Jordan’s smirk deepened.

    ‘She has no idea it’s me.’

    Still, he decided to play along.

    He tilted his head. “Miss Clarke, how exactly do you plan to give me a way out?”

    Victoria’s eyes gleamed.

    “It’s simple.”

    “Bow and apologize to Old Mrs. Camden, Drew, and Hailey. If you do that, I’ll personally mediate this situation.”

    “And afterward, I’ll hire you as my personal bodyguard—with an annual salary of $30,000.”

    The room erupted into a frenzy.

    “Miss Clarke is actually protecting Jordan!”


    “If he kneels, he can avoid being blacklisted. He even gets to work under a woman like Miss Clarke!”

    Victoria’s gaze lingered on Jordan, her expression unreadable.

    For the first time in her life, Hailey felt a pang of jealousy.

    She grabbed Old Mrs. Camden’s arm.

    “Grandma, Miss Clarke is going against us!”

    Drew whispered, “Why is she helping Jordan? She’s supposed to be on our side.”

    Old Mrs. Camden simply patted their hands, her eyes filled with admiration.

    “Children, learn from her.”

    “Why do you think she became deputy president at such a young age?”

    “Why do you think she knows every wealthy person in Orlando?”

    Her voice was full of praise.

    “It’s because she never offends anyone needlessly. She knows how to make men infatuated with her and grateful for her help.”

    She turned to Hailey.

    “You should strive to become a woman like Victoria.”

    Hailey’s hands tightened into fists, jealousy burning inside her.

    The Camdens sighed.

    With Victoria pleading for Jordan, they could no longer completely destroy him.

    But then—

    “I refuse.”

    Jordan’s voice rang through the hall.

    The room went still.

    Even Victoria froze.

    “…What did you say?”

    Jordan’s eyes locked onto hers.

    “I said, I refuse.”

    Her expression darkened slightly.

    “Repeat yourself.”

    Jordan smirked, then reached out, gently pinching her ear between his fingers.

    Then, leaning in, he whispered loudly—

    “I refuse!”


    Victoria stumbled back, her ears tingling from his voice.

    She looked at him, genuinely stunned.

    Herman and the others gasped.

    “How dare he touch Miss Clarke!?”

    Yet none of them dared to step forward.

    Jordan simply shrugged.

    “Sorry, Miss Clarke. I thought your hearing was bad. Just wanted to make sure you understood.”

    Victoria’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

    “You have guts, Jordan.”

    For the first time in a long while, someone had rejected her outright—and not just anyone, but a man the entire room despised.

    If that was his decision, then so be it.

    Her tone turned cold.

    “Old Mrs. Camden, as deputy president of Ace Corporation, I stand with the Camden family.”

    “From this moment forward, Jordan Steele will be blacklisted.”

    The room erupted in cheers.

    The Camdens smirked with satisfaction.

    But Jordan?

    He simply smirked back.

    ‘We’ll see about that.’


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