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    The diamond-encrusted business card glistened under the light.

    Jordan casually handed it to Chief Lee, who almost dropped it when he saw the luxurious design.

    Black background, golden letters, and real diamonds—each card cost over $1,500.

    And they were printed in sets.

    Chief Lee (thinking): A single set of these business cards costs as much as a house!

    But it wasn’t just the extravagant card that shocked Chief Lee—it was the name printed on it.

    Jordan Steele

    🔹 CEO of Ace Corporation 🔹

    Chief Lee’s eyes widened as he double-checked the official share transfer contract Jordan had handed him.

    There it was, in black and white—the shares once owned by the former president of Ace Corporation had been transferred to Jordan Steele.

    Chief Lee: “Could… this be a fake contract?”

    His partner, skeptical as always, chimed in.

    Officer: “Chief, anyone can print a fake contract or a fancy business card. Should we check Heaven’s Eye?”

    Heaven’s Eye—the nation’s most powerful corporate database, containing over 200 million business records.

    Chief Lee: If Jordan is really the CEO, his name will be listed there…

    Jordan smirked.

    Jordan: “You trust Heaven’s Eye? Funny, the founder, Dr. Alex Murphy, is my second brother’s former classmate. Since I haven’t officially taken over Ace Corporation yet, I asked him to temporarily hide my information from public searches.”

    Silence filled the room.

    Jordan: “But if you’d like proof, I can call him and have my information revealed right now.”

    Before the officers could respond, Jordan picked up his phone and dialed a number.


    “Dr. Murphy, how have you been? Listen, I need you to unhide my information on Heaven’s Eye for about ten minutes. Just to clear something up.”

    After a brief conversation, Jordan ended the call and sat down, pouring himself a cup of tea.

    Jordan: “Give it a minute. You can check now.”

    More Money Than the Camdens Could Ever Imagine

    Chief Lee opened the Heaven’s Eye app and entered:

    Ace Corporation

    “Jordan Steele – CEO & Largest Shareholder”

    Not only was his name listed—his photo was too.

    Officer: “H-He’s telling the truth…”

    But the skeptical officer wasn’t convinced just yet.

    Officer: “Maybe a hacker changed the information.”

    Jordan chuckled and shook his head.

    Jordan: “You guys still don’t believe me? Fine.”

    He unlocked his phone and showed them something even more shocking.

    A recent transaction alert from his bank.


    Amount: $90,000
    Date: April 20, 14:22
    Account Ending: 6582
    Transaction Type: Quick Payment Withdrawal

    Remaining Balance: $1,553,494,532

    Chief Lee & Officer (counting the digits): T-T-This is over… a BILLION dollars!


    Jordan leaned back, sipping his tea calmly.

    Jordan: “And that’s just one of my accounts. I’d bet the money in this single card is worth more than the entire Camden family’s combined assets.”

    Chief Lee: “…There’s no way someone with over a billion dollars would steal a watch worth $800,000.”

    The Shocking Truth

    Chief Lee: “Mr. Steele, I have to ask—why would someone like you, clearly a noble heir of a wealthy family, live as a Camden family’s live-in son-in-law?”

    Jordan sighed, shaking his head.

    Jordan: “It was an assignment from my family. I had no choice but to obey.”

    Chief Lee: An assignment?

    Jordan: “I’d appreciate it if you could keep this confidential—especially from the Camdens. I have no intention of dealing with them ever again.”

    Chief Lee (nodding rapidly): “Of course, Mr. Steele. This concerns your privacy. We won’t disclose anything.”

    Officer: “Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Steele. We should leave now.”

    Jordan escorted them to the door.

    Jordan: “No worries. Take care.”


    The door shut behind them.

    Hailey’s Outrage

    The two police officers walked down to the lobby.

    Waiting impatiently, Hailey and Tyler Collins ran toward them.

    Tyler: “Where is he? Did he resist arrest? Send more officers—with guns! That punk needs to be taught a lesson!”

    Chief Lee’s face darkened.

    Chief Lee: “Watch your mouth! One more word and you’ll be the one getting arrested!”

    Tyler instantly shut up.

    Hailey (impatiently): “Well?! Did you arrest him?”

    Chief Lee exchanged a glance with his fellow officer before replying.

    Chief Lee: “We investigated, and Jordan Steele did not steal anything from the Camdens.”

    Hailey’s face turned red with anger.

    Hailey: “WHAT?! How can you believe him? Where else could he have gotten that kind of money? HE’S A PAUPER!”

    Chief Lee & Officer (internally screaming): Pauper?

    Chief Lee: Lady, the man upstairs has more money in a single bank account than your entire family combined.

    But they had promised Jordan to keep it a secret.

    Chief Lee: “I suggest you go home and check for the watch again. Maybe you misplaced it.”

    Hailey (furious): “NO! I know he stole it! I—”

    Chief Lee: “Miss Camden, we’ve done our job. If you want to pursue this further, you’ll need more evidence. Now, have a good night.”

    The officers turned and left.

    Hailey and Tyler stood frozen, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

    Tyler (muttering): “T-This doesn’t make sense…”

    Hailey (thinking): How did Jordan afford the presidential suite if he didn’t steal from us?

    Something wasn’t adding up…

    And deep inside, Hailey was starting to panic.

    Did I… just make the biggest mistake of my life?

    What Happens Next?

    Jordan proved his innocence, but will Hailey finally realize the truth?

    Or will she continue to chase after a man she has already lost forever?

    🔹 Continue reading to find out. 🔹


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