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    Pablo leaned back in his chair, exhaling a slow stream of cigar smoke. “Mr. Reyes, can you describe Mr. Jordan for me?” he asked. “If I don’t recognize him and accidentally offend him, I’ll be in deep trouble.”

    Butler Frank sighed. “Orlando is a clean place… and now that you’re coming back, I expect it’ll get dirty real fast.”

    With that, he gestured for one of his men to send Pablo a photo.

    The image that appeared on Pablo’s screen made his eyes go wide. “Mr. Jordan is… him!?”

    Jordan Steele.

    The same man Salvatore had been trying to take down.

    Pablo swallowed hard. “Mr. Jordan is so damn good-looking! You can tell at a glance that he’s from a powerful family. He’s got that aura of wealth and authority. Man, I’d love the honor of meeting him someday!”

    Frank’s voice turned cold. “Jordan is on a training mission assigned by his family. Do not interfere. I’ll call you if I need you.”

    Pablo’s grin faded instantly. “Yes, sir.”

    Ace Corporation – Morning

    Drew Camden was fuming.

    He had been waiting in the Ace Corporation’s meeting room for two hours with no sign of Mr. Steele. Not even a glass of water had been served.

    “This guy is a damn weirdo!” Drew muttered, scrolling through his messages from Salvatore. “He clearly likes Elle, but he’s completely ignoring me. These rich guys are impossible to figure out!”

    Then an idea struck him.

    Jordan was a bodyguard at Ace Corporation. And if he was in the building, that meant he could be useful.

    Pulling out his phone, Drew called Jordan directly.

    In his office, Jordan glanced at the incoming call and smirked.

    He knew exactly where Drew was—sitting in his meeting room, clueless that the “Mr. Steele” he was waiting for was actually Jordan himself.

    “Hello,” Jordan answered.

    Drew’s arrogant voice came through the receiver. “Jordan, you’re in the building, right? Get to the meeting room, now.”

    Jordan chuckled. This guy still had no idea.

    “Sure,” he said, hanging up.

    A few minutes later, Jordan casually strolled into the meeting room.

    Drew leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. “Where’s your boss, Mr. Steele?”

    Jordan smirked. “Mr. Steele is currently speaking to an idiot.”

    Drew burst into laughter. “Right? That guy must be a real moron to waste Mr. Steele’s time like this!”

    Jordan’s smile widened. “Yeah… a real moron.”

    Drew’s face soured as he eyed Jordan’s expensive suit. “What the hell are you wearing? You’re a bodyguard, not a CEO. Why are you dressed like that?”

    Jordan just shrugged. “Is that what you called me for?”

    Drew clenched his fists. “You humiliated me in front of everyone. You think I’d just let that go? I made sure you’ll regret it. You remember Salvatore, right?”

    Jordan crossed his arms, already bored. “Yeah. The guy who tried to frame me but failed?”

    Drew grinned. “That’s just the beginning. Salvatore brought in 100 elite fighters from Southeast Asia, trained by his boss, Pablo Dalton. You should watch your back, Jordan. One night, when you’re drunk and alone, they’ll beat you so bad, you won’t even be fit to be a bodyguard anymore!”

    Jordan tilted his head, amused. “That’s a lot of effort just to take me down. How about this—I don’t want them sneaking up on me after work. Tell Salvatore to send his guys to the office parking lot right now.”

    Drew’s grin widened. “Oh, you’re actually up for it? Fine. Let’s go downstairs and wait.”

    Jordan nodded. “Lead the way.”

    Underground Parking Lot – Ace Corporation

    Drew strutted into the dimly lit parking lot with Jordan following close behind. He picked up a loose brick from the ground and smashed it into the security camera.

    “Haha! No evidence now! No one will see you getting beaten to a pulp!”

    Jordan chuckled. “So that means no one will see me beating you to a pulp either, huh?”

    Drew blinked. “Wait… what?”


    Jordan slapped him across the face, sending him staggering backward.

    “You really are an idiot, Drew,” Jordan laughed.

    “AHHH!” Drew screamed, clutching his cheek.

    Just then, a new voice echoed through the parking lot.


    Salvatore strutted in, flanked by ten muscular, tan-skinned fighters.

    Drew scrambled to his feet and hid behind Salvatore. “Jordan, you’re done! These guys will destroy you!”

    Jordan cracked his knuckles. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”


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