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    As the music cut out abruptly, the restaurant erupted in confusion.

    What’s going on?! I can’t hear anything!

    Is this a joke? We paid good money for this!

    Murmurs of discontent quickly escalated into shouting, and suddenly, from the upper floors, objects started raining down onto the audience below.


    A banana peel smacked Tyler right in the face.

    Another orange peel landed on Hailey’s thigh.

    Ah!” Hailey shrieked, scrambling in panic.

    Tyler shot up from his seat, furious.

    Who the hell did that?! Come down here and face me!

    From the third floor, Victoria grinned mischievously.

    Well done! That adulterous pair deserved it!

    Jordan, however, wasn’t amused. His eyes narrowed.

    This isn’t just a technical glitch. The microphone we use is top-tier. Someone must have swapped it.

    Victoria’s smile faded. “You mean… this was deliberate? Could it be Zack Smith?

    Jordan scanned the guests on the upper floors, noticing the strategic placements of a few men stirring the crowd, urging them to throw things.

    It was obvious now—Zack had orchestrated this.

    Fortunately, Jordan and Victoria didn’t choose the seat Tyler had. Otherwise, they would have been the ones pelted with garbage.

    Jordan scoffed. Tyler actually spent $90,000 on a seat just to get hit with trash.

    Unlucky fool.

    However, Jordan’s restaurant team was elite. The moment the sound cut out, they immediately replaced the microphone.

    The rapper restarted his performance, and within moments, the energy returned. The crowd forgot the disruption, singing along once more.

    By the time the song ended, applause erupted, and the audience cheered in satisfaction.

    Thank you, everyone! Enjoy your dinner! Have a great night!

    The rapper waved and prepared to leave.

    But just as the guests started heading back to their rooms—

    Tyler grabbed the microphone.

    Wait! Everyone, don’t leave just yet! I have something important to announce!

    The Grand Proposal

    All eyes turned to the second floor, where Tyler stood confidently.

    Jordan’s expression darkened.

    You’re proposing in MY restaurant, to MY ex-wife, in front of MY guests… without MY permission?

    Screw you.

    Just then, a group of staff from Joy Balloons entered Tyler’s private room.

    Balloons of white, pink, and red filled the space.

    On the other side, another team scattered rose petals on the floor.

    The audience murmured in excitement.

    Whoa, is this a marriage proposal? A rich guy proposing?

    That private room costs $90,000 to book! He must be loaded!

    And look at that woman… she’s stunning. I’d trade ten years of my life to spend a night with her!

    Dream on, man. Women like her only marry billionaires. We don’t stand a chance.

    The buzz in the crowd grew.

    Jordan, however, boiled with rage.

    Tyler had no idea who really owned this restaurant… but he was about to find out.

    Jordan whipped out his phone and called the restaurant manager.

    Clear out the trash on the second floor. Now.

    The Proposal Falls Apart

    Tyler dropped to one knee, holding the microphone.

    Hailey… will you—Hello? Hello?!


    His microphone had stopped working again.

    Tyler’s face twisted in confusion.

    Then, before he could react—


    A sharp popping sound echoed.

    One of the romantic balloons had burst.

    Then another.

    And another.

    Bang! Bang! Bang!

    The entire bouquet of balloons was being popped one by one by a restaurant waiter with a needle.

    What the hell are you doing?!” Tyler snapped, jumping to his feet.

    The staff ignored him completely.

    A woman in her forties, holding a broom, suddenly walked up to him.

    She nudged him aside and said, “Excuse me, sir, please lift your feet.

    Before Tyler could react, she swept away all the rose petals.

    Tyler flipped out.

    Ah! My roses! Stop! What the hell is wrong with you people!?

    The service staff remained unfazed, carrying out Jordan’s orders to the letter.

    The guests, still lingering, burst into laughter.

    Hahaha! This guy planned a grand proposal, and it got completely destroyed by the restaurant staff!

    Damn, that was embarrassing. His big romantic moment got ruined!

    I don’t know why, but I’m so satisfied seeing this guy humiliated.

    As the spectacle ended, the audience lost interest and returned to their private rooms.

    Tyler, face burning with humiliation, clenched his fists.

    Get the owner of this damn restaurant out here!” he bellowed.

    His rage exploded.

    Does he even know who I am?! I’m Tyler Collins! Tell him to find out about my status in Orlando!

    Jordan Reveals the Truth

    From the third floor, Jordan sighed.

    Alright. If you want to meet the owner so badly… I’ll introduce myself.

    With calm steps, Jordan descended the staircase, hands in his pockets.

    His expression was cold, unreadable.

    Finally, he reached the second floor, stopping right in front of Tyler.

    What are you shouting about?” Jordan said casually.

    Tyler glared.

    Mind your own damn business! I want to see the owner of this place!

    Jordan locked eyes with him, then smirked.

    I am the owner of this place.


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