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    Tyler and Hailey stood frozen in disbelief.

    Jordan? The owner of Cloud Cafeteria? Impossible.

    Behind him, Victoria and Ashley chuckled, enjoying their reactions.

    Tyler forced out a loud, mocking laugh.

    “Haha! You? The owner? Stop kidding yourself! I already looked into it—all of Steve Williams’ restaurants were sold for 10 million dollars! A broke loser like you couldn’t possibly afford that!”

    Hailey’s eyes darted between them, trying to process it.

    Jordan had always been ambitious. She knew he wanted to crush Zack Smith’s restaurant business…

    But 10 million dollars? No way.

    Hah, you don’t believe me again, huh?

    Jordan had grown tired of these arrogant socialites constantly looking down on him.

    Enough was enough.

    He glanced around and spotted the middle-aged janitor sweeping nearby.

    “Ma’am, come here a moment.”

    The woman hurried over. “Yes, boss?”

    Jordan turned toward Tyler, his expression calm but sharp.

    Hit his face with the broom, and I’ll pay you nine times your salary this month.

    “Nine times!?”

    The janitor’s eyes lit up.

    Without hesitation, she swung the broom with all her might.


    “AH! EW!”

    Tyler stumbled back, spitting out dust and grime that had stuck to the bristles.

    The entire restaurant erupted into laughter.

    What the hell?! Do you know who I am?!” Tyler roared, wiping his face in disgust.

    The janitor shrugged, completely unfazed.

    I don’t know, and I don’t care. My boss pays me, so I do what he says.

    She raised the broom again, but Jordan lifted a hand to stop her.

    Do you believe me now?” His voice was calm, controlled.

    Tyler’s face burned with rage and humiliation.

    Jordan continued, smirking. “If you still don’t believe it, I can have my other employees take turns hitting you. One by one.”

    A Fool’s Jealousy

    Tyler’s face twisted in anger.

    “So, you’re the one behind all this!” he spat. “You sabotaged my proposal because you’re still in love with Hailey, aren’t you?!”

    Hailey froze, her heart racing.

    Could that be true?

    She knew Jordan still had feelings for her. That’s why he named the project after her.

    Was he trying to stop Tyler from taking her away?

    But Jordan’s expression didn’t change.

    I already divorced Hailey Camden.

    His voice was cold, distant.

    “**You proposing to her has nothing to do with me. But if you’re in my restaurant, you follow my rules. And you don’t do anything without my permission.

    Tyler gritted his teeth, fists clenched.

    He didn’t have the upper hand here.

    But he refused to back down.

    “You definitely couldn’t afford this restaurant on your own,” he sneered.

    His gaze shifted to Victoria.

    “This must be Miss Clarke’s doing. She’s the real owner, isn’t she?”

    Victoria didn’t deny it completely.

    “I do own a share of this restaurant.”

    Tyler smirked, thinking he had found a way to save face.

    “Hah! Just as I thought! Jordan’s just a minor shareholder! What are you so proud of?”

    Victoria remained silent, but Ashley rolled her eyes.

    This guy is so clueless…

    Tyler, feeling emboldened, reached into his pocket.

    With a flourish, he pulled out a Tiffany box.

    The moment Hailey saw what was inside, her eyes widened.

    A three-carat diamond ring—stunning, flawless, sparkling under the restaurant lights.

    She gasped softly.

    It’s gorgeous…

    Tyler’s voice dripped with arrogance.

    “This ring is worth over $600,000!

    He grinned at Jordan.

    “Even if you work as a bodyguard for the rest of your life, you’d never be able to afford something like this for Hailey!”

    Hailey couldn’t take her eyes off the ring.

    Even when she was married to Jordan, he had never given her anything this extravagant.

    Tyler smirked and turned to her.

    Today, I will use this diamond ring… to take away the woman you loved for three years.

    He dropped down on one knee, holding the ring up.

    The entire restaurant fell silent.

    Hailey Camden… marry me.

    Hailey’s Dilemma

    Hailey’s heart pounded.

    Everyone was staring at her, waiting for her answer.

    On one hand—Tyler Collins. Rich, influential, and offering her a future full of luxury.

    On the other—Jordan Steele. The man she had once discarded. The man who, despite everything, still had the power to make her feel something deep inside.

    She hesitated.

    Her eyes flickered toward Jordan.

    Would he stop her?

    Would he fight for her?

    But Jordan just stood there, his face expressionless.

    As if her decision didn’t matter to him at all.

    A strange pang of disappointment settled in her chest.

    Tyler reached for her hand, eagerly waiting.



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