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    Jordan humphed coldly and simply sipped his own glass of champagne, shifting his gaze to the side to ignore her.

    How does this materialistic woman have the audacity to sit in my car and drink champagne with me?

    She must be dreaming!

    Holding the empty glass while being completely ignored, Hailey felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

    Since Rachel, seated in the front, couldn’t see the tension in the back, she remained oblivious to Hailey’s humiliation.

    Within minutes, the Maybach came to a smooth stop.

    The chauffeur promptly stepped out and opened the door for Jordan. With effortless grace, Jordan exited first, leading them both into his villa.

    As soon as they stepped inside, Rachel and Hailey were struck silent.

    Born into wealthy families, both had visited their fair share of extravagant homes, but nothing had prepared them for the sheer grandeur of Jordan’s villa. It was unlike any mansion they had ever seen.

    Ordinary luxury villas often featured gilded decor, towering chandeliers, and ostentatious staircases adorned with priceless sculptures and extravagant art.

    But Jordan’s home was different.

    There were no gaudy chandeliers, no overdone embellishments, no gilded excess.

    Instead, the space exuded an understated yet unmistakable opulence—soft leather couches, a grand fireplace, plush carpeting, and refined standing lamps casting a warm glow. Every detail spoke of elegance, restraint, and quiet power.

    Rachel and Hailey, both avid followers of high fashion and interior design, immediately recognized the designer pieces adorning the villa.

    “Oh my, is this an Arco lamp from the Italian brand FLOS? But… I’ve never seen this model before!” Rachel gasped.

    “I love this recliner! It must be from Eames,” she added, touching the exquisite leather with reverence.

    Jordan smirked as he walked to the refrigerator. “Can I get you both something to drink?”

    Rachel, still admiring the decor, answered, “Coke will do.”

    Hailey, regaining some of her composure, said, “I’d like some honey water.”

    Jordan froze momentarily before shooting her a blank stare. “I don’t have honey here. Just mineral water.”

    Rachel discreetly pinched Hailey’s arm and whispered, “You’re so pretentious. You think he’s going to make you honey water like before?”

    Hailey pouted. She had grown used to Jordan tending to her every need for years, and she longed for the familiarity of his care once again.

    Jordan tossed them their drinks—bottled water for Hailey, a Coke for Rachel.

    Rachel unscrewed the cap and took a sip before looking around in awe. “Jordan, I love the style and color scheme here. The combination of white, blue, and baby blue reminds me of the resort we love in Phuket!”

    Jordan responded nonchalantly, “Most of the furniture here was air-flown from my villa in Phuket. Many of these are limited edition pieces, and I didn’t see the need to replace them.”

    “What?” Rachel and Hailey both gasped.

    Rachel nearly choked on her drink. “Wait, you own a villa in Phuket? Where?”

    Jordan took another sip of his champagne. “Cape Panwa. Over 2,300 square meters.”

    Rachel and Hailey were stunned.

    Rachel blinked in disbelief. “Oh my God! Hailey and I have stayed in resort villas at Cape Panwa before, and those cost at least $10,000 per night! We hesitate every time we book even a few nights there… And you actually own a villa there!?”

    Hailey’s heart pounded.

    She had always dreamed of owning a villa in Phuket, imagining lazy afternoons basking in the sun with an ocean view. And now, Jordan had exactly what she had always wanted.

    That villa belongs to me! she thought desperately. Jordan is mine! I won’t let anyone else have him!

    Sensing Hailey’s turmoil, Rachel interjected quickly, “Um, let’s check out the upstairs.”

    Jordan nodded. “Do you want to take the elevator or the stairs?”

    Rachel grinned. “Let’s take the stairs.”

    As soon as they stepped onto the pristine white stairs, Rachel squinted. “Wait a minute… why does this staircase design look so familiar?”

    Jordan chuckled. “You’ve got sharp eyes, Rachel. You’ve been able to recognize every single designer piece in my home.”

    Rachel tilted her head. “Well, I do know luxury, but this design—”

    Jordan smirked. “It’s inspired by Tony Stark’s mansion from Iron Man.”

    Rachel burst into laughter. “No wonder it looked familiar! You recreated a billionaire’s house from the Marvel universe in real life!”

    Hailey’s breath caught in her throat.

    She loved Marvel movies. She had always been captivated by Tony Stark’s lifestyle, wishing she could live in a mansion like his.

    And now Jordan had built one.

    If I hadn’t divorced him… this house would have been mine…


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