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    Staring at everything in front of her in the villa, Hailey was filled with regret.

    She kept tugging on Rachel’s clothes, whispering, “I love Iron Man too, and I really like this staircase!”

    Rachel sighed and shook her head. “You’re so spineless.”

    Before they arrived, Rachel had advised Hailey to stay composed and let her create an opportunity for them to be alone. But Hailey was already losing control of herself.

    Jordan continued the tour on the second floor, leaving both women awestruck.

    Rachel turned to him. “Jordan, where’s your bedroom? We want to see the room you actually live in.”

    “It’s on the third floor. Come with me.”

    Jordan led them upstairs to his bedroom. The heavy wooden door opened with a soft push, revealing a cool draft from the open windows. The night breeze made the room feel crisp and refreshing.

    With a swipe across a sleek touchscreen panel, Jordan turned on the lights.

    Rachel and Hailey scanned the room, taking in its spotless, elegant simplicity. Unlike typical luxury homes, Jordan’s bedroom was free from excessive ornaments.

    The bed and table lamp were both pristine white. The room was immaculate, every detail in perfect order. But what caught their attention most was a single poem displayed on the wall, written in graceful script against light-colored wallpaper.

    Rachel stepped forward and read aloud:

    “In fact, what I look forward to is just a single moment.
    I’ve never expected you to give me your entire life.
    If I could meet you on a hillside full of gardenias…
    If we can love each other deeply just once before parting…
    Then, life is only but…
    Regardless of how long it is…
    When I look back…
    It’s only but a fleeting moment.”

    Rachel read the words with little emotion, but Hailey suddenly whispered, “I’ve read this before.”

    It was a modern poem that had once been popular—Jordan’s favorite. Hailey loved it too.

    Reaching out, she gently brushed her fingers against the delicate wallpaper, tracing the poetic lines.

    The moment her fingers made contact, a soft melody filled the room.


    Rachel’s eyes widened. “This music—it’s the Gossip Girl theme song!”

    Hailey gasped in recognition. Gossip Girl had been the first TV series she and Jordan watched together in their first year of marriage.

    Rachel glanced around. “Is it coming from a music box?”

    Jordan shook his head. “It’s one of the tones in NEXUS.”

    Rachel blinked. “What’s NEXUS?”

    Hailey, more familiar with music, answered, “It’s an electronic music synthesizer.”

    She turned to Jordan, her voice soft. “I really like this tune. Can you send me the preset?”

    Jordan ignored her, his face devoid of emotion.

    Rachel suddenly smirked. “I need to go downstairs to make a long-distance call to my husband. You two have a good chat.”

    She left the room and shut the door behind her, leaving Hailey alone with Jordan.

    This had been the plan all along.

    Hailey took a deep breath, steeling herself.

    She had always been admired, placed on a pedestal by men across Orlando. But now, she did something she had never done before.

    With a loud thud, Hailey dropped to her knees before Jordan.

    Her voice trembled. “Jordan, I’m sorry!”


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