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    Jordan had just returned to Rose Garden Villas when he noticed a figure standing at the entrance.


    First Hailey, now someone else.

    As the car approached, the headlights illuminated the woman’s face—Rosie Collins.

    Jordan sighed and rolled down the window. “Mrs. Collins, please go home. There’s nothing to discuss.”

    But Rosie stepped forward, desperation in her eyes.

    “Mr. Steele, I beg you, please give me five minutes.”

    Jordan hesitated.

    Rosie had waited at his office for an entire day without eating or drinking. And now, she had come to his home.

    He could see it—she wasn’t here for herself. She was here for Tyler.

    Jordan narrowed his eyes. He could make her wait longer, let her suffer a little more.

    But instead, he pushed the car door open.

    “Fine. Come in.”

    However, he didn’t offer her a seat inside his car.

    Instead, she had to walk behind his vehicle as he was driven up the long driveway to the villa.

    She didn’t complain.

    She couldn’t.

    For Tyler, she was willing to endure this humiliation.

    Inside the villa, Jordan walked to the couch and sat down. He didn’t order drinks. Didn’t offer her a seat.

    Rosie stood before him, her breathing uneven from the long walk.

    Still, she got straight to the point.

    “Mr. Steele, I only recently understood the truth about what happened between you, Hailey, and Tyler.”

    Jordan crossed his arms. “Is that so?”

    Rosie nodded. “Tyler was wrong. I know that. He had no right to pursue a married woman.”

    Jordan’s expression remained unreadable.

    Rosie continued, “His father and I have already punished him.”

    Jordan scoffed. “Punished? How? A slap on the wrist?”

    Rosie hesitated. “Leonard… beat him.”

    Jordan smirked. That’s all?

    She took a step closer. “I won’t defend him. But I ask you to consider this—Miss Camden is still a virgin.”

    Jordan’s patience snapped.

    “Don’t lie to me!” His voice was cold. “I saw them in the hotel room with my own eyes.”

    Rosie raised her hands defensively. “Yes, I know. I’m not excusing him. But Tyler told me himself—they didn’t… they never went through with it.”

    Jordan clenched his jaw.

    He didn’t care.

    Whether Hailey had slept with Tyler or not, her intentions had been clear.

    “I don’t need you to worry about Hailey,” he said. “I’ll deal with her myself. But don’t think for a second that you can shift all the blame onto her.”

    Rosie flinched.

    She knew Jordan wouldn’t forgive Hailey.

    But she was here for Tyler.

    “Mr. Steele,” she whispered, “how do you plan to punish my son?”

    Jordan exhaled, tapping his fingers against the armrest.

    “I don’t know yet,” he admitted. “Maybe I’ll ask Pablo and Salvatore what they think.”

    Rosie’s blood ran cold.

    She knew what that meant.

    Tyler would be crippled—if not killed.

    She fell to her knees.

    “Mr. Steele, please, have mercy!” Tears streamed down her face. “Tyler is still young! He hasn’t even had children yet! Please don’t ruin him!”

    Jordan gazed down at her, unmoved.

    How many times had he begged for kindness from the Camdens?

    How many times had Hailey humiliated him?

    Now, Rosie knelt before him, and he had the power to grant or deny mercy.

    Still, he didn’t respond.

    “Mr. Steele!” Rosie sobbed. “If you must punish him, can’t you… break a finger instead? Just one?”

    Jordan let out a sharp laugh.

    “A finger? That’s what you call punishment?”

    Rosie’s lips trembled. “I—”

    Jordan’s voice turned ice-cold. “Your son humiliated me in front of the entire city. If I let him off with a broken finger, how will I command respect?”

    Rosie had no answer.

    He was right.

    This wasn’t just about revenge—it was about power.

    Jordan had finally revealed himself to Orlando’s elite, and his reputation was everything. If he let Tyler walk away unscathed, people would see him as weak.

    Rosie was silent for three whole minutes.

    Jordan watched her closely.

    She wasn’t the type of woman to beg like this.

    Something was coming.

    Then, without a word, she stood up.

    Her hands went to the buttons of her blouse.

    Jordan stiffened.

    “Mrs. Collins,” he warned. “What are you doing?”

    Rosie’s voice was soft, yet unwavering.

    “I can give you back your dignity.”

    Jordan’s expression darkened.

    She took a step forward. “You know what I mean, don’t you?”

    Jordan knew exactly what she meant.

    If he took Tyler’s mother, there would be no greater humiliation for the Collins family.

    No one would dare laugh at Jordan again.

    Rosie lifted her chin. “Mr. Steele, Leonard, Tyler, and the business world know I’m here tonight.”

    She took another step forward.

    “I can stay here for the night.”


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